By Dang Zi-Bing’s Foster Mom
An Eternal Encounter
A warm greeting to honorable Mr. Chua, Ms. Chua and the staff from CEO! I am Zi-Bing’s “Mama”. I missed you all these years. Let me extend my sincerest blessings to you on this very special 21st anniversary of CEO.
I have
always had high regard for your dedication and devotion towards CEO FA Foster
Care Program. Your love has given wings to these broken angels enabling them to
fly high again, finding a warm and happy home. Zi-Bing always said he would
never be able to feel the love of a family had it not been this FA Foster Care
Program. He said it was CEO and his foster Moms who grant
him a complete childhood.
Accomplishments of CEO’s work are well noticed. You have devoted so much time and care to the orphaned children, from conveying love through regular home visits to sending daily necessities such as clothing and stationeries to them. Also, you brought them happiness and blessings through organizing group activities and outdoor events for them. You laughed with them, jumped and bounced with them and did all the fun stuff with them. Those happy moments broadened their minds and perspectives. I do believe spiritual caring is much more useful than material caring in healing their dimmed and broken hearts. Love brought back sunshine and smiles on their faces. Seeing these, I feel that all our heart pouring effort is worthy.
CEO have offered me much guidance and support by tutoring and experiences sharing when I first started raising foster children. I remembered You’ve once told me that all that we do, we did for providing a warm and blessed home to these broken angels. These words moved me deeply. Throughout the years that followed, CEO continued offered me constant supplies and coaching support. They were powerful source of motivation for me to dedicate myself to the care of these children.
My foster children are now grown up embracing their adulthood under our continual devotion and care. Our action and their bright smiles have proved that love can change everything. Nevertheless, we are still carrying on, even if there seems to be no ending, we just need to keep on walking on this path with love. We never walk alone because these angels are always by our sides. I am grateful that CEO has offered me the opportunity to meet these lovely angels through the FA Foster Care Program, and I truly believe this encounter would be eternal!
“Mama” of Zi-Bing