‘Resounding Echoes of a Three-Aspected Dream that Keeps Going on for Ten Years!’
As the Dream is theirs I must let Christina and Joseph tell you about it from the inside, but I should like to share a little of my impressions of the echoes which linger in my ears as heard over the last decade.
I find three aspects which recur, sometimes one at a time, sometimes the first two and sometimes all three at once!
The first aspect is ‘prophetic’ and, as such, rather theoretical though concerned with some grave practicalities: there are sick, needy and abandoned children in China who need care, loving men and women and the possibility of a new and better life. God will provide them with all these things, but the echo keeps asking: how, through whom and when. Great trust in Him is needed as this is dreamed!
The second aspect is planning. It is also concerned with how and when, where and with what support. Much has had to be worked out in Hong Kong and even more on the Chinese Mainland! Fund-raising dinners, frank ‘living room’ video displays and discussion and personal ‘one-to-one’ sharing must take place in Hong Kong; and, during constant trips ‘northward’, will need to be made to establish lasting and workable contacts with responsible People’s Republic persons and agencies. This will take time, money and energy!
The third aspect which is echoed is action-under-God (who is seldom mentioned but ever-present). Surgeons and other Doctors have to be found and hired. Foster homes have to be arranged and young ones must be taught patiently how to cope with transitional arrangements for their great happiness and ever-needed love!
As I hear all of these echoes from near and far over ten years’ time I am reminded constantly of dear Christina and her brother, Joseph, whom I have known for many more than ten years! I believe I am the first Catholic priest whom they have met, and this was in the context of the Religious Advisory Committee which has worked with Radio-Television Hong Kong: Radio 3AM and Radio 4FM for nearly forty years. There Christina coordinated Trinitarian Christian Programs in practical ways, while I scripted and presented (in part) the Catholic contribution. Joseph was involved in annual programs at Times Square and elsewhere, and we became friends partly because of my having been honored as guest-preacher in many Assemblies of God in various places back in the early ‘70s–we shared and appreciated Charismatic experience in the Holy Spirit and lifted high the Name of Jesus in the same choruses!
In time we came to see each other frequently in the Chua home and at the CEO Office in North Point: we prayed together, had meals together, discussed life and work together and helped each other in wonderful ways, even when the going was rather tough!
Thus, I heard of their Dream and came to know of its wonderful potential, so that though I left Hong Kong in 2009 for Spain, where I now live, we have never lost touch. The Dream goes on! Thank you for letting me share the echoes with YOU!
Fr Roman Carter, OP
CEO Honorary Lifetime Director
(Written in 2014)