HI Partner Drawing Competition
Thank you for your support to the event. Please find the results at HERE

“Man’s best friend” is a common phrase about domestic dogs, referring to their millennia-long history of close relations, loyalty, and companionship with humans. Therefore The CEO Foundation is organizing a drawing competition to depict the closeness between dogs and their human, and also the importance of respecting different lives and nature at large.
Man’s Best Friend!
- Encourage Hong Kong citizens to appreciate the positive impacts between human and dogs, and nature at large.
- Create positive participation opportunity for the Hong Kong general public through drawing and creativity during difficult times in Hong Kong.
Details of the competition
(A) Contestant Categories and Criteria
- Group A: age 16 or above
- Group B: under age 16
(B) Drawing Requirements and Specifications
- The drawing must not be copied in part or all from other people’s work, nor resemble any other people’s artwork. It must be authentic and original.
- Each drawing must include a person and a dog, and able to show that they are good friends.
- The person can be either gender and of any ethnic background. The dog can be of any breed, preferably a medium-size to big-size dog.
- All characters must show the face and body clearly, i.e. half portrait or side profile is not acceptable.
- Drawings must be A4 size (i.e. 21 cm x 29.7 cm). No limits to the orientation of the paper, materials used and creation methods. Computer drawings are acceptable.
- The drawing must be in color, not black and white.
- Each contestant can submit a maximum of 3 drawings.
(C) Submission Method
- The drawings and the completed registration form must be submitted by email to hi-paint-2020@ceo-foundation.org on or before the deadline.
- The drawings can be sent as a scanned copy or a photo. The image must be clear. Resolution 300 dpi or above is recommended, with the file size less than 25MB (maximum attachment size for Gmail) .
- The submitted file should be in the format of jpg, png or pdf.
- Please keep the original work/editable file for proof of originality and future use.
- Deadline: Monday, June 29, 2020; overdue submission will not be accepted.
(D) Judging Criteria
- Depiction of Emotions
- Content
- Creativity
- Colour
- Composition
- Drawing skills
(E) Results Announcement
The results of the drawing competition will be announced at www.ceo-foundation.org/hi-paint-2020-en on Wednesday, July 29, 2020; the awardees will be notified separately.
(F) Awards
Authors of the best drawings from each category will be awarded:
- First Prize – HK$1,000
- Second Prize – HK$500
- All submitted drawings will be handled by the organiser; they will not be returned regardless of the result.
- Contestants must meet the criteria specified in this regulation. The organiser holds the final rights to decline any applications.
- By participating in the Competition, the contestant warrants that his or her entries are original, have not been previously published, do not infringe on any third party’s rights, and that he or she has obtained all necessary permission from any third party, if required, for publication of his or her entries. Anyone who is in breach of this will be disqualified, and the legal liabilities involved shall be borne by the contestant.
- Submitted work must not contain defamatory or insinuating elements. The organizer will not be responsible for any related complaints.
- By submitting the work, the contestant grants to The CEO Foundation rights to use the work for media printing, publishing, exhibition, promotion and publicity, without extra consent of the contestant or paying royalty to the contestant.
- The organizer holds the rights to amend the above provisions at any time. The final decision of the competition belongs to the organizer, including the results of judging, awards and other relevant arrangements.
Please call 2441-7977 (Ms. Ho) or email at hi-paint-2020@ceo-foundation.org .